Funders Friends
The people listed here have materially contributed to the start and development of Mwórveld Distillery by purchasing a vat of whiskey in advance. We are very grateful to them, so they have definitely deserved a mention on this website. We have also immortalised their contribution on the walls of the distillery.
This crowdfunding action is closed from 04-01-2020. Currently there are no casks available. 

Founding Funders

Jan Stroucken | Heeswijk-Dinther NL

Inge en Bert Cordewener | Houthem NL

Timber Theo | Bunde NL

Benny Briers | Genk B

Hans Eummelen | Brunssum NL

Frank Schols | Schimmert NL

Genootschap Whisky in de Bergen | Stein NL

Anonymous | Maastricht NL

Familie Custers | Europa

Ian R. Francis | Scotland

Pedro Coenen | Maaseik B

Slijterij Bernard Rekko bv | Meerssen NL

Wil en Joey Nijsten | Geleen NL

Fam. Koelman | Bunde NL

Minnie Mouse Treffen (MMT) | The Netherlands

Wijngoed Raar Saint Remi BV | Meerssen NL

Fam. van der Sterren | Urmond NL

Marja de Jong & Henk Hausoul | Meerssen NL

John en Nicole Hoogsteder | Bunde NL

Maurice Paulussen | Catsop NL

Nancy and Guido Smeets | Meas NL

Zesch Heeren Whisky | The Netherlands

Ron Robat | Bocholtz NL

Harrie en Mark Lardinois | Bunde NL

De 4 Whisketeers | Aelse / Meas NL

Jos en Florent Jongen | Gäöl NL

Friends Funders

Friends of Mwórveld Distillery

You might be aware that when we started our distillery we included a crowdfunding activity. Apart from startup capital, this resulted in a group of dedicated ambassadors.
Something we are still very grateful for!
The crowdfunding activity ended in 2020. A lot of you have asked us since then whether it would be possible to be more involved with Mwórveld Distillery. We now like to offer this possibility, by enabling you to become a Friend of Mwórveld Distillery.

Friends of Mwórveld Distillery is a group of people who supports our distillery. People who share our passion for our whiskey and spirits, and our way of working. And because we appreciate this warm friendship, as a friend you will receive several benefits.
You can become a friend for € 105,00 per year.

Friends of Mwórveld Distillery:

Will yearly have the choice of one bottle of Mwórveld Single Malt Whiskey, value of € 79,50, with a choice between one of the batches of that year. Special Editions are excluded.
  • In 2025 we will launch two new bottlings from our new serie. A bottle of one of them can be chosen
  • If desired, you can choose to have your case and/or bottle signed by the distiller
  • If desired, you can choose a bottle number
  • You can choose to collect your bottle or have it send to you, free of charge.

Receives one voucher every year for a tasting, value of € 20,00. The voucher will be transferable to someone else.

Receives 10% discount on the prices in our web shop when buying one of our spirits, sales excluded. This will be arranged via email: vrienden@mworvelddistillery.com (not via the web shop)

The conditions are explained in more detail below.

The conditions of an excellent friendship:

  1. Signing up as a friend obliges you to pay the yearly contribution of € 105,00. After you have signed up using the registration form below, we will send you an invoice. We hope you appreciate that we will need more information than just your email address.
  2. Signing-up for the year 2025 is now possible. We will send you an invoice after you have signed up. Once we have received your payment you can use all the benefits that come with being a friend for this year. From 2025 onwards we will invoice you at the start of the calendar year. The payment term for all our invoices is 10 days.
  3. You can unsubscribe as friend before the 1st of November of the current year. If we receive the cancellation after this date, you will remain friend for another year. We will send a reminder to you well in advance.
  4. Your bottle of choice of Mwórveld Single Malt Whiskey will be available directly after it is bottled.
    The voucher will be send to you directly after we  have received your payment.
  5. When you want to use the 10% discount on our products, you will follow the following procedure:

You will send an email to vrienden@mworvelddistillery.comwith your order (type of product and amount) and whether you like to collect it or have it delivered.
Your purchase will be invoiced to you including the 10% discount.
Any potential shipping costs will be charged to you.
Pick-up or shipping will be arranged after your payment is received.
The discount cannot be used for products already on sale.

All payments should be transferred to our bank account number: NL25 TRIO 0338 5599 49, addressed to Mwórveld Distillery, citing your invoice number

When you want to choose a bottle number for your Mwórveld Single Malt Whiskey it will be necessary to pick a first and a second choice. We learned from our experience with choosing bottle numbers for The First, that it will not always be possible to guarantee your first choice. Some numbers  are loved by many.

Afbeelding met logoAutomatisch gegenereerde beschrijving



The stated prices in our web shop refer to the current prices of 2024.
We will do our best to limit any price increase.

We will be using an email address to handle the orders that apply the 10% discount because adding a function to our web shop would have been very expensive. And we would like to keep to cost as low as possible for you.

Please click here for the registration form
Friends of Mwórveld Distillery: 

Let's go for a longterm friendship,

Ger Arts
Mwórveld Distillery